
Wednesday, 4 February 2015


Sure ways to reduce bloating Bloating is the condition of your belly feeling swollen after eating. It is usually caused by excess gas production, and /or disturbances in the movement of the muscles of the digestive system. This can cause increased pressure and discomfort, and can sometimes make the stomach look bigger. The effect can be quite extreme in certain cases, and some have even used the term “food baby.” Put simply, bloating involves excessive amounts of solids, liquids or gas in your digestive system. However, in some people, bloating is caused mostly by increased sensitivity. It just feels as if there is increased pressure in the abdomen, even though there isn’t. About 16-30 percent of people report that they regularly experience bloating, so this is very common. Bloating can often cause pain, discomfort and a “stuffed” feeling, but it can also make you look heavier and give the perception of large amounts of belly fat. Although bloating is sometimes caused by serious medical conditions, it is most often caused by the diet and some foods or ingredients you are intolerant to. Here are proven ways to reduce or eliminate bloating. Don’t eat too much at a time Being stuffed can feel like being bloated, but the problem is that you simply ate too much. If you’re eating big meals and tend to feel uncomfortable afterwards, then try smaller portions. Add another daily meal if necessary. Subsets of people who experience bloating don’t really have an enlarged stomach or increased pressure in the abdomen. The issue is mostly sensory. A person with a tendency to be bloated will experience discomfort from a smaller amount of food than a person who really feels bloated.

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