
Saturday, 20 July 2013

improving your health

Forget the excuses, just for today, focus on the many ways you can improve your health. This list is by no means complete but a starting point to making your physical, emotional and spiritual health a priority in your busy schedules of life. Once you do these health tips and upgrades today, and do them tomorrow, and before you know it, you will be living a healthy lifestyle, with virtually no effort. • Drink more water. Your body is 90 per cent water and needs water for almost every function. Many of the aches and pains, headaches and other symptoms we experience would just ease away if we take in more water. • Go for a brisk walk... Your body was made to move. Your heart is a muscle that needs movement to function optimally. We know this but we definitely and often need a reminder to just do it. • Better still take your brisk walk in nature. Trees and other plants are regularly turning our carbon dioxide into rich oxygen that we can breathe. Getting rich oxygenated air helps kill bacteria and viruses, improves breathing, and may even help prevent cancer. • Hug someone you love. When you hug someone you love (someone who actually wants to be hugged), your body releases feel- good hormones like oxytocin that ward off depression. • Eat fruit. Brilliantly coloured fruit is packed with disease-fighting phytonutrients like proanthoycyaints that protect against brain disease; and quercetin, which helps alleviate allergies and breathing problems. • Drink a freshly made juice-preferably with green veggies. Green juices are Mother Nature’s healing nectar. They are powerhouse of nutrients that help your body heal and energise you all at once. • Stop and smell the flowers, literally. Not only will slowing down make you feel great, you will be exposed to therapeutics effects. The fact that you can smell the flowers means molecules of their essential oils are coming into contact with your sensory systems –one of the fastest ways to balance hormones.

Friday, 19 July 2013

uses of chili pepper

There is more to chili pepper than its spicy character. Pepper contains impressive lists of plant-derived chemical compounds that are known to have disease- preventing and health promoting properties. It contains capsaicin, and research shows that capsaicin has anti-bacteria, anti-carcinogenic, analgesic and anti-diabetic properties. Fresh chili peppers- red and green are a good rich source of vitamin C. vitamin C is a potent water-soluble antioxidant. It is required for the collagen synthesis in the body. Collagen is the main structural protein in the body, required for maintaining the integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones. Regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps to protect the body from Scurvy; develop resistance against infectious agents (boosts immunity) and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the body. Chili contains a good amount of minerals like potassium, manganese, Iron and magnesium. Potassium is an important part of the cell and body fluids that helps to control heart beat rate and blood pressure. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Chili pepper is also god in B-complex group of vitamins such as niacin, pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), riboflavin and thiamin (vitamin B-1). These vitamins are essential in the sense that the body needs or requires them from external sources to replenish. According to my research, chili pepper is highly rich in vitamins.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

living healthily/health tips

Being fit demands more exercise and incorporating rules to restructure your meals. This can help you to be permanently slimmer, healthier, happier and far more energized. Here are a few set of rules to follow 1. Embrace fruits and vegetables; ….Eat at least seven servings of vegetable every day and aim for ten if you can. According to Yahoo, a serving is approximately 80g in weight or the equivalent of an apple, banana, orange, and a handful of smaller fruits. It is good to eat vegetable without oil. Eating too much bread is not good to the body. At least a slice of wheat bread. Adapt to taking lots of water. Eat regularly but in small bits. 2. CUT OUT ALCOHOL. If you are conscious of your weight and increasing energy levels, you either cut out alcohol altogether or limit to one or two glasses a week. 3. PACK IN SOME PROTEIN. Try to add a bit of protein to each meal in the form of nuts, seeds beans, lean meat, chicken or fish. Protein is naturally very satisfying so it’s a great way to keep hunger at bay. “I can eat beans three times a day as long as it is cooked in a special way. I have learnt to skip breakfast but I eat lots of vegetables. I avoid fats as much as possible” 4. HAVE WHOLESOME MEALS. Don’t eat too many refined, fast releasing carbs. Rather go for low Glycemic index, high fibre and preferably wholegrain carbohydrates such as brown basmati rice, whole meal pasta, wholegrain breads and cereals. Don’t eat crap, or even junk food. 5. ENJOY YOUR EXERCISES…..Jogging is a form of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise that provides you with many physical, mental and even social benefits. According to, jogging is an excellent way to lose weight. You will burn approximately 250 calories in half-hour jog and 5oo calories after one hour. As you burn 3,500 calories over the course of a week or more without increasing your food intake, you will enjoy the benefit of loosing a pound of fat. To boost this benefit of jogging, you can follow a calorie reduced diet that adds to your weight loss. A reduction of 250 to 500 calories each day will help you lose a pound more each week; in addition to the weight you lose jogging.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

medicinal Garden Egg

DIET Nutritious garden eggs GARDEN egg, a very valuable agricultural product to referred to as “ibga” in local parlance, is the fruit of the “eggplant” primarily grown for its fruit. The fruit is variable in size and shape, ellipsoid to elongate, green or whitestreaked green. Solanum melongena is the official name of fruit and is very popular in Africa. It is commonly consumed during weddings, since this fruit symbolizes fertility and will make the weight reduction diet more successful. Some of the studies conducted in Africa have come to the conclusion that garden egg is very effective in blood cholesterol reduction. It is currently a fruit in reason and at their best from August through October when they come to the market in bulk. They are eaten raw or made as stew to compliment steaming yam. The cream-colour flesh has a pleasantly bitter taste (due to the presence of small amount of nicotionoid alkaloids). But garden egg pant has more to offer than ensuring fewer cases of constipation, reduction from poor vision due to glaucoma. The Igbo can hardly do without eating garden egg. Even though garden egg is generally said not to contain huge amount of protein and other nutrients, it is low in sodium, low in calories and very rich in high dietary fiber. It is also high potassium, a necessary salt that helps in maintaining the function of the heart and regulate blood pressure. Nonetheless, garden egg is very rich in nutrient and it serves as good appetizer, helps to boost the immune system, and strengthens body tissue, help to enhance free circulation of blood as well as a fruit that diabetics should cherish. Eating plenty of fruit is very helpful in warding off excess body weight, heart disease and stroke. In a review of garden egg benefits for people with diabetes hypertension, researchers in the 2008 edition of the journal, Bioresource Technology, of HIV, Mayo Clinic and American Diabetes Association recommending eggplant-based diet as a choice for management of type 2diabetes.


BOOBS JOBS? GOOD, BUT…… Breasts are great figure enhancers and not a few women desire fuller breasts. Though the process of breast enhancement varies, the demands are high. Even as the desire for breast enlargement for some is on the rise, the surgical procedure for breast enhancement is risky. A deflation could occur either through a leak within the implant or through a rupture of the implant shell. It takes another surgery to remove and possibly replace the breast implant. There is the risk of the capsule (scar tissue) that typically forms around the breast implant to tighten and squeeze it. This could lead to discomfort, severe pain movement of the breast implant. This also needs another surgery for correction. Considering the great changes that you are making to your breast; you should expect either an increase or decrease in feeling of the nipple and breast. Change can range from intense sensitivity to, no feeling and could it be temporary or permanent. There is the natural pain of varying intensity and duration following breast augmentations. However, severe pain can be a result of complications of your surgery such as improper size or placement. If you are feeling severe pain you should contact your plastic surgeon. Like any other surgery, there could be infections, which could be more severe in patients with normal body tissues. Surgery-Wrinkling, asymmetry shape, implant palpability, scar deformity, hypertrophic scarring, and sloshing are some of the phenomena that can occur, which often leave inpatients unsatisfied with their final results. According to Yahoo!, there are many ways a woman’s breast can be enlarged. Among these is breast massage. Breast message helps by boosting healthy breast growth and facilitating breast tone, besides making the breast flexible and firm. Breast massages does actually help to make your breast more attractive and even bigger, and it is also a beautiful method of being aware of the healthy or unhealthy condition of your breasts. In addition, there is the need for women who desire bigger boobs to eat healthy. Breast are also said to be improved or enlarged through the improvement of a woman’s diet, lifestyle, general health, and mental constitution. Since breasts are merely fatty tissue covered with skin, healthy living and eating well would no doubt improve the quality of breast tissue and skin? Food that is rich in Vitamins, breast improvement. Drinking lots of water also helps to flush out toxins form a woman’s body and improves the condition of her breast tissue.

Saturday, 13 July 2013


CARBOHYDRATE Addiction Whatever happened to the food timetable that was so conspicuous on kitchen walls in our homes, which made it very clear what you would be eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner? You knew what would be served every day of the week at meal times. Your enthusiasm and promptness at arriving at the dining room at meal times was closely tied to your affinity for what would be served. A no-show at meal time (even if you do not like the dish) would be a kind of mini hunger strike or fast. With benefit of hindsight, the timetable/ planned menu embodied a very balance diet and there was a variety of meals from all the food groups – carbohydrate, protein and fat. If you were fortunate to go to boarding house, it was just the same principle our-meals were planned and balanced-carbohydrates, protein and fat. You knew the timetable off by heart, and just in case you forgot, all you had to do was ask the student next to you, it did not matter if they would be sharing the same table with you in the refectory. Promptness and eagerness of arriving at the refectory was dependent on how you rate that particular meal-love, like dislike, hate. We found the portions of the meals we loved to be meager and the ones we did not like to be ample. When it was my turn to clear the tables. For some meals, there were hardly any leftovers to be removed, while for a particular protein meal, we hauled the leftovers back to the kitchen in ‘trailer’ –loads!’ Interestingly the school authorities did not remove that meal form the menu for the five years I was in boarding house. Truth is, we love some food more than others. We are wired to eat food that taste good band also make us fell good. We have freedom of choice and there is no ‘food police, to review your planned meal menu in the glare of the whole world. We tend to eat more of the foods we love and you would hear people passing remarks like: ‘I can eat pounded yam three times a day or everyday; If you take a critical look at you eat (yes, I know you are too busy to have a planned menu), is it more of starches, snacks, sweets, carbonate, sugar sweetened beverages? Bread, cereal,pasta,rice,noodles spaghetti, cake, fruit juices, popcorn, meat pie, sausage roll, chicken pie, doughnut, potatoes, cookies, pizza, ice cream, chips, French fries? Carbohydrates are the diet principal component of any diet. Carbohydrate addiction is defined as a basic hunger, craving, or desire for carbohydrate-rich foods. Signs and symptoms of carbohydrate addition include: . A frequent focus on eating. . Lack of satisfaction or the desire to eat again a couple of hours after eating. . A sense of fatigue, tiredness, or lack of energy. . An unexplained feeling of anxiety for carbohydrate addiction; we would take a look at this next week at this next week. Meanwhile, pay closer attention to your food diary sees how you can start cutting down on those crabs that are not serving your best interest. I wish you optimum health and well being! If you were fortunate to go to boarding house, it was just the same principle our-meals were planned and balanced-carbohydrates, protein and fat. You knew the timetable off by heart, and just in case you forgot, all you had to do was ask the student next to you, it did not matter if they would be sharing the same table with you in the refectory. Promptness and eagerness of arriving at the refectory was dependent on how you rate that particular meal-love, like dislike, hate. We found the portions of the meals we loved to be meager and the ones we did not like to be ample. When it was my turn to clear the tables. For some meals, there were hardly any leftovers to be removed, while for a particular protein meal, we hauled the leftovers back to the kitchen in ‘trailer’ –loads!’ Interestingly the school authorities did not remove that meal form the menu for the five years I was in boarding house. Truth is, we love some food more than others. We are wired to eat food that taste good band also make us fell good. We have freedom of choice and there is no ‘food police, to review your planned meal menu in the glare of the whole world. We tent to eat more of the foods we love and you would hear people passing remarks like: ‘I can eat pounded yam three times a day or everyday; If you take a critical look at you eat (yes, I know you are too busy to have a planned menu), is it more of starches, snacks, sweets, cabornated sugar sweetened beverages? Bread, cereal,pasta,rice,noodlesl spaghetti, cake, fruit juices, popcorn, meat pie, sausage roll, chicken pie, doughnut, potatoes, cookies, pizza, ice cream, chips, French fries? Carbohydrates are the diet principal component of any diet. Carbohydrate addiction is defined as a basic hunger, craving, or desire for carbohydrate-rich foods. Signs and symptoms of carbohydrate addition include: . A frequent focus on eating. . Lack of satisfaction or the desire to eat again a couple of hours after eating. . A sense of fatigue, tiredness, or lack of energy. . An unexplained feeling of anxiety for carbohydrate addiction; we would take a look at this next week at this next week. Meanwhile, pay closer attention to your food diary sees how you can start cutting down on those crabs that are not serving your best interest. I wish you optimum health and well being!

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

health tips/ dentition

HEALTH WISE PERSONAL HEALTH FITNESS DIET AND WEIGHT ISSUES A step close to artificial livers PROMETHEUS, the mythological who stole fire from the gods, was punished for this theft by being bound to a rack, Each day, an eagle swept down and fed on his liver, which then grew back to be eaten again the next day. Modern scientist know there I a grain of truth to the tale, says MIT engineer Sangeeta Bhatia The liver can indeed regenerate itself if part of it is removed. However, researchers trying to exploit that ability in hopes of producing artificial liver tissue for transplantation have repeatedly y been stymied Mature liver cells, know as hepatocytes, quickly lose their normal function when removed from the body. “it’s a paradox because we know liver cells are capable of growing, but somehow we can’t get them to grow” outside the body, says Bhatia, the John and Dorothy Wilson profession of +Health Science and Technology and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, a senior associate member of the Broad Institute and a member of MIT”s Koch Institutes for integrative Cancer Research and Institute for Medical Engineering and Science. Now, Bhatia and colleague have taken a step toward that goal. In a paper appearing in the June 2 issue of +Nature Chemical Biology, they have identified a dozen chemical compounds that can help liver cells not only maintain their normal function while grown in a lab dish, but also multiply to produce new tissue. Cells grow this way could help researchers develop engineered tissue to treat many of the 500 million people suffering from chronic liver diseases such as hepatitis C, according to the paper is Jing ( Meghan) Shan, a graduate student in the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Science and Technology. Member of Bhatia’s lab collaborated with researchers from the Broad Institute, Harvard Medical School and the University of Wisconsin. Bhatia has previously developed away to temporarily maintain normal liver-cell function after those cells are removed from the body, by precisely intermingling them with mouse fibroblast cells. For this study, Institute of Health and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the research team adapted the system so that the liver cells could, in layers with the fibroblast cells, in small depressions in a lab dish. This allowed the researchers to perform large –scale rapid studies of how 12,500 different chemicals affect liver-cell growth and function. The liver has about 500 functions, divided into four general categories: drug detoxification, energy metabolism, and protein synthesis and bile production. +David Thomas, an associate researchers working with Total Golub at the Institute, measured expression levels of 83 liver enzymes representing some of the most finicky functions to maintain. After screening thousands of liver cells eight identified 12 compounds that helped the cells maintain those functions, promoted liver cell division, or both. Two of those compounds seemed to work especially well in cells from younger donors, the researchers -including +Robert Schwartz, an IMES post-doc, and Stephen Duncan, a professor of Wisconsin –also tested them in liver cells generated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Scientist have tried to create hepatocytes form iPSCs before, but such cells don’t usually reach a fully mature state. However, when treated with those two compounds, the cells matured more completely. Bhatia and her team wonder whether these compounds might launch a universal maturation program that could influence other types of cells as well. Other researchers from iPSCs. In future studies, the MIT team plans to embed the treated liver cells on polymer tissue scaffolds and implant them in mice, to test whether they could be used as replacement liver tissues. They are also pursuing the possibility of developing the compounds as drugs to help regenerate patients’ own liver tissues, working with Trista North and Wolfram +Goessling of Harvard Medical School. Taking Care of Sensitive Teeth If the taste of ice-cream or a sip of coffee is sometimes painful or if brushing or flossing makes you wince occasionally, you may have a common problem called “sensitive teeth’’ Some of the cause include tooth decay, a cracked tooth, worn tooth enamel, worn filling and tooth roots that are exposed as a result of aggressive tooth brushing, gum recession and periodontal (gum) disease. When you have sensitive teeth, activities such as brushing, flossing, and eating and drinking can cause sharp, temporary pain in your teeth. Or Sensitive teeth are typically the result of worm tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots. Sometimes, however, tooth discomfort is Cause by other factors, such as cavity, cracked or chipped tooth, or a side effect of a dental producer, such as bleaching. Many people suffer from sensitive teeth and it can start at any time. It is more common in people aged between 20 and 40, although it can affect people in their early teens and when they are over 70. Women are more likely to be affected than men. Sensitive teeth often occurs when enamel on the outside of the tooth, or the tissue between the tooth and gum called cementum , wears way, exposing small tubes that connect nerves inside the tooth to triggers outside of the tooth, experts say. Toothbrush abrasion: Brushing too hard and brushing from side to side, can cause enamel to be worn away, particularly where the teeth meet the gum. The freshly exposed dentine may then become sensitive. The current study included 37 general dental practices in Washington, Orange, Idaho, Montana and Utah. A total of 787 adults were surveyed. The results appear in the March issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association. Understand that if you love to drink soda and citrus juices, cutting back is the best option, but drinking these drinks through straw will lessen the contact of enamel- wearing acid with your teeth. Also, expert say drinking cold or hot drink s through a straw will keep these common causes of pain off your teeth. Other Causes include the following: 1 Dental erosion: This is loss of tooth enamel caused by attack of acid from acidic food and drinks. If enamel is worn away the dentine underneath is exposed, which may lead to sensitivity. 2